Nathan and I are back in Charleston from a seemingly fruitful summer in TN/VA. We had the wonderful opportunity to live with my parents this summer while Nathan worked as an assistant manager for Vector (aka Cutco). He was in charge of an office in Johnson City, TN. His tasks for the summer where not only managing but also included running interviews, training seminars, running team meetings and team night out. After about 60 hours a week we managed to spend some quality time with my parents on the lake. Saturdays where usually spent tubing and cruising in the boat. It was very enjoyable for all parties I do believe. I too worked for Vector this summer as Nathan's receptionist. It was only about 20 hours a week so it was not to strenuous on myself. I looked at it as 20 hours I wouldn't be able to see my husband. I was just very grateful to be in the same building as he was. The other amount of my time was spending some much needed time with my goats, horses, and dogs. As most of you know I am a true outdoors girl who loves her animals. I love Charleston but its just not the same as the Hilbilly Nation. I got my fix for sure this summer and I can't wait already to get back to my parents glorious 37 acres in the Clinch Mountains... The Hilybilly Nation is what it has been named.
We are officially back in Charleston as of August and settled into a new apartment in what I like to think as a "better" area then we were in last semester. We have upgraded from Fishburne Street for sure into a wonderfully sized 1bdr 1ba. We went from about 450 sq. ft to I am gussing about 800. Its like a mansion to us and all our friends who come to visit compared to the last place. We are so blessed to have had the experience living in Fishburne Street. It was our first apartment together and we have some very fond memories of our time there. Mark and Sharon actually found it for us and I am so glad they did. To my surprise our new place actually has a silver wear drawer. Oh how the Lord meets our every need. When we were living at Fishburne our kitchen was so tiny our counter top was a hot water heater. Needless to say we did not have a silverware drawer. I was not upset but very inconvenienced in my attempt to setup our first home together. As a new bride I was looking forward to setting up my new home and making it ours It was not a deal breaker but it made me use my imagination and creativity for sure. Its the little things in life that God shows us we take advantage of. Though seemingly small not having a silverware drawer proved to both Nathan and I that we do not need these things to make us happy... We only think that the temporal will satisfy when in all reality only Christ can satisfy the longings of our heart. God meets us at each moment and gives us what we need at that moment. As we walked into our very large size kitchen (its the size of our living room/dining room/office at Fishburne)I was so excited to have all the drawers, cabinets, and counter tops I would need to setup our new kitchen.I could not wait to begin putting things away. As I looked around my very spacious kitchen I began to laugh very hard. God was providing me with a silverware drawer no doubt but for some reason my kitchen only has 1 drawer. I believe that God was showing me that I only need one. I found this quite amusing to say the least and praised God for the one drawer. Oh how I love the Lord's humor.
Nathan is plugging away at a new semester and is praising God that its SENIOR year!!! With 18 hours of class, peer facilitating, James Island football, Discipleship group, Newlyweds class, Hot dog ministry and being an amazing husband I have no idea how Nathan manages to stay on top of everything. He is the most busy man I have ever known and I truly admire the fact that he keeps his relationship with Christ at the top of his list and that he manages to lead his family so well. I am beyond blessed by this man! He has recently taken his GRE and to no surprise did exceeding well. We are now in the process of waiting on God's timing for the next step we are to take in life. Nathan has applied to 3 different graduate schools and 1 physical therapy school. We are anxiously excited to see where God will be placing us after graduation this May. In the beginning of choosing which schools to apply for Nathan and I both found our self nervous in contemplation of the next few years to come. It wasn't until one night in bed that we looked at each other and surrendered all the decisions to God. Why are we worrying about such trivial matters when God has already paved the way so perfectly. We laughed thinking that we actually could do this our selves. We are now prayerfully awaiting what steps to take next. We are no longer nervous because we want God's will for our lives and not our own. We are ready for the adventure to begin and excited for possibly new en devours.
As for myself I am dancing with joy for the work the Lord brings to me everyday. I am working at a Salon in Mount Pleasant as a stylist and I LOVE IT!! It is not work for me but is truly my passion. I enjoy so much being able to transform a person and allow them to feel better about themselves. I try so had to share with them that there beauty is within and that the outside appearance does not matter. I have been captivated by many stories I have heard. Some have brought me to tears, humility and laughter. I try very hard to make a point each day to share the good news of Christ with at least one person who sits in my chair. Its through the strength of God that I have boldness. Nathan and I are making Philippians 1:20 or focus verse of the year. "according to my earnest expectation and hope, that I will not be pit to shame in anything, but that with all BOLDNESS, Christ will even now, as always be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death." It is that boldness that I am seeking daily to obtain. I know I will never truly arrive but am striving day after day. I am blessed to work with some fabulous people and its all the Lord's hand in it for sure. A salon is a very secular and dark place to be with today's media and idea that your "looks" are of the utmost importance and keeping your self image is top priority. It is actually quite sad to me to watch the vanity that transpires day after day before my eyes in that salon. Do they not know that "charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord she shall be praised." Proverbs 31:30 Where has the fear of the Lord gone and when did it filter over to the fear of others. There are days where I just want to scream this at every woman there. Then the Lord pricks my own heart and shows me I fall just as short as they do. It may not be in vanity of my appearance but its surely in ways of wanting to please others and being selfish in my marriage. It is so wonderful how the Lord can teach you through other people and can show you your own sin in such away you can now understand. I shouldn't be wanting to scream at those ladies... I should be screaming at myself and running hard after Christ... with endurance. The Lord is faithful through it all. I have been praying that he would keep me busy and allow me to build a clientele and he has done just that.
That is my attempt to play catch up of the last few months. I hope to write at least once a week but we will see what life allows. Peace in Christ
Monday, October 25, 2010
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